Getting to Know Team Wahl
Team Asham – Building Champions!
Team Wahl
What is your team mantra or a quote the team looks to for inspiration? Just Throw the Rock!
What are your team goals?
Representing Manitoba at the 2023 Canada Winter Games and the U18 Canadian Curling Championships
Dayna Wahl
Q. How long have you curled and how did you get started?
A. I have been curling for about 12 years. My dad and grandpa were curlers and I wanted to follow along.
Q. What are your curling achievements?
A. Going to U21 and U18 provincials
Q. What is your most memorable curling moment?
A. Winning a berth on the last shot in an extra end. We love to stress out our fans :)
Q. If you could give one piece of advice to a young curler, what would it be?
A. Never assume the outcome of a game, one end can change a lot.
Piper Stoesz
Q. How long have you curled and how did you get started?
A. Curled for 8 years. Parents signed me up in the Junior program at the Altona Curling Club
Q. What are your curling achievements?
A. Placing 3rd at 2022 Asham U18 Provincials
Q. What is your most memorable curling moment?
A. Winning our spot into the U18 Provincial through the Berth Bonspiel.
Q. If you could give one piece of advice to a young curler, what would it be?
A. Have confidence in yourself and you might be surprised with what you can do.
Anna Ginters
Q. How long have you curled and how did you get started?
A. I started curling when I was six years old, I had skating practice and we ran on the train for warm-up. When I was up on the track I saw people curling in the rink, and it REALLY intrigued me. So I asked my mom if I could play, and she signed me up. I did skating and curling for a year, and I chose to do only curling the next year.
Q. What are your curling achievements?
A. Overcoming back surgery and still being able to play and train for curling. Also being a very strong sweeper.
Q. What is your most memorable curling moment?
A. In 2019 my first bonspiel after my surgery and my first shot Dayna wanted me to do a hit. Well, I ended up doing a triple take out and mine still sticking in the rings.
Q. If you could give one piece of advice to a young curler, what would it be?
A. That curling is a team sport, not an individual one. That you need to work together and take constructive criticism. And just have fun!
Gillian Hildebrand
Q. How long have you curled and how did you get started?
A.I started Curling when I was 10. I tried almost every other sport offered in Altona before I started curling and this was the one that stuck.
Q. What are your curling achievements?
A. Placing 3rd in U18 Provincials
Q. What is your most memorable curling moment?
A. Winning our berth into the U18 Provincials at the Berth Bonspiel
Q. If you could give one piece of advice to a young curler, what would it be?
A. Learn from your misses and losses and have fun.